EM141 Emergency Management Guide For Business & Industry

Every year emergencies take their toll on business and industry -- in lives and dollars. But something can be done. Business and industry can limit injuries and damages and return more quickly to normal operations if they plan ahead.

This guide provides step-by-step advice on how to create and maintain a comprehensive emergency management program. It can be used by manufacturers, corporate offices, retailers, utilities or any organization where a sizable number of people work or gather.

This course has one file with 4 sections. The file is less than 534 kilobytes for the benefit of low bandwidth (14.4 and 28.8 modem) users. The naming protocol is em141.exe. Graphics may not be optimum in these documents due to originals and file size considerations.

These course materials are derived from FEMA's Emergency Management Guide For Business & Industry. These materials have not been altered significantly allowing the user to re-use these in the classroom setting. You can download this document in Adobe Acrobat format from the Library for free. It is a much larger download 2.2 megabytes.

Upon receiving your paid registration, we will send you the password to open these. We recommend you print out the pages as you need them and keep them as a paper reference.

The test is taken online. When you pass the test, you will be mailed a certificate of completion.


The final exam is 20 questions taken from the reading material. You may use any of the materials while taking the test.

I want to see what is in this course: CLICK HERE

I am ready to enroll: CLICK HERE

Download Course Materials here EM141.exe

I am ready to take the FINAL EXAM


Copyright © 2003 International Disaster/Fire Training Institute, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Bradenton, FL 
Website www.all-hazards.com
Email [email protected]

Government publications used in this document have been electronically transcribed by International Disaster/Fire Training Institute, Inc. which is dedicated to providing emergency management education to practitioners and citizens.