
© 2008 International Disaster/Fire Training Institute Inc.


EM 726 Survivable Crisis Management

Survivable Crisis Management (SCM) is an operational capability the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) seeks to achieve in the States and Territories. The SCM capability FEMA seeks to achieve is the ability of each of the States and Territories to survive a catastrophic emergency and be able to direct, control, and coordinate emergency operations within the State and in coordination and cooperation with other States and the Federal Government. The objective of the SCM initiative is to develop a network of survivable capabilities within each State, nationwide among the States, and between the States and the Federal Government to ensure that States can continue to govern.

The purpose of this document is to guide the States and Territories through the step-by-step process necessary to develop an SCM capability. Designed as a practical tool to aid in the development of SCM plans and proposals, this development guide is a companion document to An Introduction to Survivable Crisis Management, published in September 1992. Although this development guide focuses on the development of statewide SCM capabilities, the same procedures are applicable to comprehensive local government planning.

There are 12 sessions in this course. The file is less than one megabyte for the benefit of low bandwidth (14.4 and 28.8 modem) users. The naming protocol is em726.exe. Graphics may not be optimum in these documents due to originals and file size considerations.

These documents were published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency over ten years ago. The concepts remain valid today, more so with the increased terrorist and Weapons of Mass Destruction threats. The SCM plans are still referenced in various jurisdictions today attesting to the value of SCM planning concepts. These materials have not been significantly altered allowing the user to re-use these in the classroom setting.

Upon receiving your paid registration, we will send you the password to open these. We recommend you print out the pages as you need them and keep them as a paper reference.

The test is taken online. When you pass the test, you will be mailed a certificate of completion.


The final exam is 22 questions taken from the reading material. You may use any of the materials while taking the test.

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Government publications used in this document have been electronically transcribed by
International Disaster/Fire Training Institute, Inc.
Sources used to develop these courses are public domain documents.