100 Guide For Increasing Local Government Civil Defense Readiness During
Periods of International Crisis
New terminology has
replaced "Civil Defense" and the "Cold War" is over.
Arguably, threats of mass destruction and the increased likelihood of such
an event make the information in this book valuable to any emergency planner.
This course forms
a useful basis for emergency program managers developing plans for current
high-consequence threats. This guide includes information for last resort
sheltering methods, spontaneous evacuations, crisis relocation and much
CPG 1-7 was issued
in July 1967 was revised in April 1979, May 1981 and again in May 1990.
Older versions of CPG 1-7 may be found in the IDTI Library.
This publication
provides guidance for State and local chief executives and governments
on measures to increase local government civil defense readiness in a
time of severe international tension. Such measure taken by local authorities
could save millions of lives if the crisis cumulated in a nuclear attack.
The sections describe local government Increased Readiness (IR) actions
in a number of functional areas, such as briefing key officials, increasing
Emergency Operating Center (EOC) manning levels, and increasing the operational
readiness of public shelter.
While this
guide addresses actions to be taken during a crisis that could escalate
to a nuclear attack, many of these actions are equally appropriate should
natural disaster or a peacetime emergency threaten (hurricane, terrorist
threat to a U.S. city, etc).
The goal of this
course is to provide the participants with knowledge and skills needed
to take Increased Readiness actions for their respective jurisdictions.
The target training
audience for EM100 are persons responsible for planning, implementing
and carrying out local Increased Readiness actions. This includes but
is not limited to local and State chief executive of the local jurisdiction,
and civil defense (or emergency management) director and other local department
heads and their staffs.government emergency program managers, emergency
planners, and response personnel.
There are 23 units
and supplemental illustration in this course. Two course files are 830
KB and 1.4 MB for the benefit of low bandwidth (14.4 and 28.8 modem) users.
The naming protocol is em100.exe and em100illustrations.exe. Graphics
may not be optimum in these documents due to originals and file size considerations.
receiving your paid registration, we will send you the password to open
these. We recommend you print out the pages as you need them and keep
them as a paper reference.
The test is submitted
online. When you pass the test, you will be mailed a certificate of completion.
The final exam is
20 questions taken from the reading material. You may use any of the materials
while taking the test.
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